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“Nekodomia, land of my ancestors, land of my children, forever land of freedom and imagination.

May those who tread your grass, your earth, your sand and your rocks respect your beauty,

your nature and your infinite generosity."

Geonosius Tirel.

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The history of the world of Nekodomia

Our vast world, Nékodomia, was built on tales and legends. Mysterious and captivating, strange and fascinating, these stories have woven, through the centuries, the culture, sociology and mythology of the beings and people who once walked our land.

From the windy confines of Morlad to the gigantic plains of Lonrad , via the inextricable forest of Conrad , the Magiconteurs tell young and old the stories that have made Nékodomia a unique and generous land, a magical and dangerous land, a land where the wildest dreams come true, a land where love is an empirical power, a land where each and everyone can, through imagination and passion, weave, forge, draw, sculpt their own destiny.

At a time when you, travelers, are preparing to explore our world, to read and hear its tales and legends, I hope that your journey will amaze your mind, fill your heart and offer you the most wonderful gift: chance to live a waking dream...

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Chapter 1: Dawn

“We tell the legend of Dawn to children to teach them the origin of the world.

It is told to adults to remind them that this world is not theirs, but that of the children of Magica. "

Geonosius Tirel

The legend of Dawn says that originally there was nothing. In the infinite immensity, there was neither beginning nor end; neither light nor darkness; neither life nor death; neither past, nor present, nor future. It has been like this since eternity.

However, from the depths of the corridors of space-time came a jolt, a singularity, an event that transformed everything. The dark veil which masked realities was torn... or more precisely, was torn by three amoebas, three divine and magical essences whose common dance involved each of the three powers in an incessant creative whirlwind.


The first, Mayaca , was fast and bright. With its golden filaments, it weaved darkness and light, reality, time. Thus were born the past, the future and the present.

The second, Giyaca , was slow and heavy. Composed of dust, rocks and gas, it created a ball of matter, fire and wind which ignited and gave birth to earth and plants.

The third, Cayaca , was balanced in every way. Composed of stars, shadow coal and light crystals, it created living beings.

When it was all over, the world had a real, palpable shape. In that instant, the divine powers united in the hollow of the sky in a gigantic storm. Thunder rumbled for days before bursting, releasing a torrential rain that flooded the earth. Child of the three mixed powers, this divine rain was named La Magica .

Under the force of Magica, rivers gushed, rivers swelled, seas stretched across the horizons, offering aquatic beings a kingdom to inhabit, the sky was reflected in the liquid immensities, offering winged beings a place to live. explore.

In this gigantic tumult of water and light were also born, from the union of the three powers, the spirits of Magica .

Incredible and innumerable, the spirits were lodged in the stones, the trees, the flowers, the waterways.

They invaded space, time, matter and dreams. The spirits of Magica interfered everywhere in

the world, offering it astonishing shapes, crazy moments, infinite possibilities.

Full of water and Magic, the earth, in an eternal, suspended and harmonious instant, sparkled.

Awakened by the divine light, the spirits of Magica began to sing.

In unison, light and music enveloped the world

This strange and unique moment, which sealed the creation of our world, is called Dawn .

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